•   Augsburger Allgemeine (Liederabend in Merching) 08.23.2010:


“Jean-Baptiste Mouret sang mit Begleitung der ausgezeichneten Pianistin Boyer.”

“Der Sänger wurde nicht nur kompetent und einfühlsam von Marie-Elise Boyer am Klavier begleitet, die Pianistin ließ an den virtuosen Stellen aufhorchen und fiel zudem durch die Fähigkeit auf, ihr Spiel schnell und unauffällig dem Sänger anzupassen.” Manuela Rieger




"Jean-Baptiste Mouret sang accompanied by the excellent pianist Marie-Elise Boyer.“ 

"Not only was the singer accompanied competently and sensitively by Marie-Elise Boyer at the piano, but the pianist also listened attentively in virtuoso passages and let her playing quickly and inconspicuously adapt to the singer through her outstanding abilities.“



  •  Deutsche Bühne (Premiere Juliette in Bremen) 03.30.2014:


“Marie-Elise Boyer hat als Pianistin in der Schenke von „Altvater Jugend“ einen virtuosen Auftritt.“ Detlef Brandenburg




"Marie-Elise Boyer made a virtuoso entrance as a pianist in the tavern of "Grandfather Youth“.“



  •   Nürnberger Stadtanzeiger (Liedgut at the Staatstheater Nürnberg) 11.14.2017:


“Auch durch die behende, atmende und farbenreiche Begleitung von Solorepetitorin Marie-Elise Boyer bleibt genügend Freiraum für die Subtexte zwischen den Lyrik-Zeilen.” Jens Voskamp


"The nimble, airy and colorful accompaniment by repetiteur Marie-Elise Boyer also leaves enough space for the subtexts between lyric lines.“



  •  Nordbayerische Nachrichten (Premiere Idomeneo at the Staatstheater Nürnberg) 02.19.2018:

"Ein Lob an Marie-Elise Boyer für ihren sensiblen Einsatz am Hammerklavier."  Jens Voskamp

"A word of praise for Marie-Elise Boyer for her sensitive input on the fortepiano.“



  •   Bachtrack.com (2. Vorstellung Idomeneo at the Staatstheater Nürnberg) 02.23.2018:


“Für nachdenkliche Ruhepunkte in den Rezitativen sorgte Marie-Elise Boyer in kluger musikalischer Rhetorik am Hammerklavier.” Michael Vieth




„Marie-Elise Boyer provided thoughtful quiet moments in the recitatives with clever musical elocution on the fortepiano.“


  • Concorso Internazionale Elsa Respighi Verona  (concert at the Sala Maffeiana, Verona) 09.27.2019:

2019.09.26 "Magnifico concerto stasera con il Duo Gordon-Boyer, nel recital offerto dall'Accademia Filarmonica nella luminosa Sala Maffeiana, per la Rassegna "Settembre dell'Accademia, la città in concerto". Le due musiciste (canadese-francese) hanno mostrato tutta la loro esperta competenza espressiva, tecnicamente impeccabile e densa di emozioni, che ha stupito ed incantato il numeroso pubblico in Sala."
"Altrettanto straordinaria la pianista Marie Elise, dal tocco elegante, sensibile, ed energico, virtuosamente duttile ed in perfetta simbiosi emotiva con la voce."

"Magnificent concert tonight with the Duo Gordon-Boyer, in the recital offered by the Accademia Filarmonica in the bright Sala Maffeiana, for the Festival "Settembre dell'Accademia, la città in concerto". The two musicians (Canadian-French) showed all their expert expressive competence, technically impeccable and full of emotions, which amazed and enchanted the large audience in the Hall."
"Equally extraordinary is the pianist Marie-Elise, with her elegant, sensitive and energetic touch, virtuously ductile and in perfect emotional symbiosis with the voice."

Credit photo: Hanna Kirtak